Baseline Guides
Tennis Guides

Our Guide To Choosing Your Racket
Rackets can be classified into 5 main categories. The Categorization is based on a player's swing type, which is either slow and compact, fast and full, or moderate…

Racket Stringing Experts
ERSA CERTIFIED STRINGERSERSA (European Racquet Stringing Association) International was established in order to support and develop racquet stringers...

Racket Care Top Tips
The grip on your racket should be replaced a minimum of twice a year depending on how often you play. Absorbent grips can help prevent your hand from slipping...
Squash Guides

Our Guide To Squash Balls
Introduction Balls have a single blue dot suitable for beginners and juniors. This ball is 12% bigger and has more bounce than the Pro Squash Ball...

Squash Stringing Guide
Racket Strings deteriorate with use long before they break. Strings also gradually lose their tension even if not in use. Many players neglect their strings, even...

Squash Racket Guide
The type of squash racket you play with can deeply impact your game. Balance, Weight, Throat Shape and Beam are all factors we need to consider before selecting...
Sizing Guides

Apparel Sizing
Get the best fit with our guide to global apparel sizing
for the local market...

Shoe Sizing
Step into the right shoes with our guide to global
shoe sizing for the local market...

Racquet Sizing
Take your best shot with our Racquet Sizing Guide...